Every day im going 7 kilometeres to school by bike. Last monday i saw that it is now a verry colourful way because lots trees are surrunding it. As it is so often with things you see every day I never took really notice of the environment I was driving through. So i decided it would be worth it to take some pictures of it. But as you can guess i normally have not much time on my drives so there are not as much pictures as i could have taken. But rest assured that i will try my very best to get some more and intresting pictures.
These two pictures are from the basswood tree infront of my home |
Some undefined mushrooms in the grass |
Here i was very interested in the shape of colours. Espacially the copper beech is awesome |
A stubble field beside the street with lots of blackbirds sitting on it |
This is a ally like part consisting of basswood |
And a birch tree in close up from beneathe |
And this schould be all for now. I hope to be able to upload some other photos real soon.
Jonas, I love your intensity and interest in photography. It is so true, we often miss the beauty right under our noses because we do not take the time to see. We all could grow a lot if we not only looked, but saw what is all around us daily. As the old saying says, "stop and smell the roses". Jack
AntwortenLöschenI love the photographs. Its lovely scenery you have on this drive. :)
AntwortenLöschenWaiting for more photos. I know you have many great shots. Jack